Hub on the Hill
Hub on The Hill Community Centre in Sutton Hill
Find us at 103 Southgate, Sutton Hill, Telford, TF7 4HG
A local Community Centre with community café, activities for all ages and rooms to hire.
Madeley Town Council is proud to now be running the Hub on the Hill after the Trust running the building decided to step down.
A management board now oversees the work of The Hub.
All facilities will remain open for our residents, existing groups will continue and the Café is waiting to welcome you.
Hub on the Hill opening times: Tuesday – Friday 8:30am until 4:30pm
The Hub Café opening times: Tuesday – Friday 8:30am until 3:30pm (hot food served until 2:30pm)
Several community groups & businesses also work out of the Hub on the Hill including Mark Taylor Support, Families In Telford (FiT) & V.stylz Hairdressers.
Room Hire
Centrally located in the heart of Sutton Hill, on a regular bus route with parking adjacent, Hub on the Hill is ideally placed to host meetings, training events and community groups.
There are several rooms available to hire ranging in size and capacity, some with kitchen facilities.
All rooms are fully accessible and can be laid out in a variety of styles. Free WiFi is included in the hire charges.
Please contact Steph on Tel: 01952 898052
Email: for current room hire rates.
(Voluntary and Community Groups will be charged a discounted rate please contact us to enquire)

What's on
Hub on the Hill is a host to a number of activities
9:30am – 11am ~ FiT (Families in Telford)
3:30 – 5pm ~ Junior Youth Club (School Yrs 5-8 Term-time only)
4:30 – 6pm ~ Senior Youth Club (School Yrs 9-11 Term-time only)
5:30 – 8:30pm ~ Dance Dynamics
Citizens Advice (CAB) every other Tuesday, appointments can be made via 0808 278 7988
9:30am – 11am ~ FiT (Families in Telford)
3:30 – 6pm ~ Kids Multi-sport (School Yrs 5-11 Term-time only)
5 – 8pm ~ Calm Cafe
5:30 – 8:30pm ~ Dance Dynamics
6 – 8:15pm ~ Tetsu Karate
10am – 1pm ~ Stop Smoking Support
5:30 – 7:30pm ~ Dance Dynamics
Blood pressure checks every other Friday – next one 20th September
Tuesday – Friday from 7:45 – 8:30am ~ Children’s Friendly Space Breakfast drop-in, under 11’s must be accompanied by an adult (term-time only)
Sutton Hill Residents Meeting ~ 6pm Last Monday of the month excluding Bank Holidays
Blood pressure ~ 10am – 12 noon on the Last Tuesday of the month
Management Board
The Hub on the Hill Management Board is made up of partner organisations that collaborate with the residents of Sutton Hill and had expressed an interest in expanding the community offer for residents.
The Hub on the Hill Management Board have been delegated authority to act on behalf of Madeley Town Council except for decisions relating to the finances of the Town Council.
Board members offer skills and expertise to enhance the running of the community centre, holding Madeley Town Council to account and becoming the Town Council’s critical friend for any decisions made about the future.
The Board is made up of eleven community partners:
Inspector 3514 Ben Stephens, Safer Neighbourhood Inspector South Telford, West Mercia Police – 23-year experience of local policing and a leader for Safer Streets 2, initiative to a reduction in crime and ASB in Sutton Hill
Katy Tomlinson, Headteacher at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School in Sutton Hill – primary school in the centre of Sutton Hill who works with local families
Clive Elliott (Chair) Practice Manager, Court Street Medical Practice – Chair of the Sutton Hill Management Board and manages a local medical practice with links to PCG
Chris Jones, Chair of Telford Crisis Support – providing support and interventions to the most vulnerable residents of Sutton Hill
Cllr Paul Watling – Madeley Town Councillor and Telford & Wrekin Borough Councillor for Madeley & Sutton Hill
Cllr Janice Jones – Madeley Town Councillor and Telford & Wrekin Borough Councillor for Madeley & Sutton Hill, and resident of Sutton Hill
Cllr Derek White – Madeley Town Councillor and Telford & Wrekin Borough Councillor for Madeley & Sutton Hill and resident of Sutton Hill
June Campbell, Board Member on The Anstice Community Trust – resident of Madeley, joined the Save The Anstice campaign in 2014 and was responsible for registering The Anstice Community Trust as a charity and successfully gaining grant funding for the Trust.
Lorraine Pilgrim, Business Manager at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School in Sutton Hill – working closely with local families.
Gemma Coulman-Smith, Operations Manager, Telford MIND – resident of Sutton Hill and manages the social prescribers who work with the local community.
Reverend Dawn Taffinder, Vicar of Sutton Hill and Woodside – has been in post for 3 years and lived in Sutton Hill for most of her life, assists the residents with practical help and support.
Mark Taylor Support Ltd
Mark Taylor Support Ltd work with young adults with learning difficulties.
Taylor Support is the leading specialist disability support provider in Telford, Shropshire and surrounding areas.
Their provisions include 1:1 and 2:1 Individual Support Packages, 2 x 16+ Life Skills Projects, TSocial Small Group Provision, Local Overnight Respite, 48hr Group Residential Trips, Multi Activity Weekend Group Provision, Fortnightly SEN Trampolining Group, Bespoke Education Packages, TEAM TAYLOR Forum for Disabled Children and Adults, and more for Service Users with highly complex disability support needs, associated challenging behaviour support needs and complex medical support needs.
Families In Telford (FiT)
Families in Telford offer baby and toddler groups in term time for preschool children and their adults, offering advice and support to local families
Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30am – 11am
V.Stylz Hairdressers
V.Stylz hairstylist offers affordable haircuts to the local community in Sutton Hill.