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Our Local Historic woodlands with Local Nature Reserve status

Here in the parish we have five woodlands that have naturally developed throughout the course of time on what was once the remaining spoil/excavation of the our historic mining past as it was once. The five sites are classified as just one Local Nature Reserve albeit that they are spread over the Madeley area. The five sites are locally known as Hills Lane / Blists Hill / Meadow pit / Madeley Court & finally Tweedale Pitmounds as they are often referred to. The woodland sites have naturally colonised themselves with a variety of trees which do need some woodland management throughout the seasons in a bid to keep the invasive non-native species in order so the native species can flourish. Madeley Town Council is heavily involved in the woodland management of these sites working alongside the Borough Council, who are the land owners, in delivering the ever changing needs of the woodlands and its habitat and adhering to the management plan of all of the sites.

Rights of Way through our Parish

In our parish we have a total of 67 official listed rights of way that run through our open spaces and woodlands alike. In recent years the Town Council working alongside the Rights of Way team at Telford & Wrekin have started the mammoth task of identifying and improving the surface area of some of the worst affected routes which has resulted in some of the paths being re-surfaced. In addition we have also replaced a large number of rotten wooden sleeper steps to help walkers gain access to some of our steeper climbs. In addition, last year a number of new directional finger posts were installed in key locations to help visitors to the area find their way about, especially as some of the pathways run through the World Heritage site where many visitors come. The ongoing basic maintenance of keeping the footpaths open all year round, ie keeping the encroaching vegetation at bay, is normally managed with the help of the Community Payback team with works usually identified from within the Town Council team. This year so far we have had a Bridal Way resurfaced on Rough Park and there are plans for two more paths being resurfaced near to the Blists Hill museum and linking up with Sutton Hill.

Madeley Community Orchard and Gardens

In the heart of Madeley we have a wonderful open space which is a real jewel in the crown for us to boast about and share, the gardens lay home to approx. 70 differing fruit trees ranging from apples / pears / nut / peach and nectarine to name but a few. In addition there has been some wild grass and flower areas introduced which we have left to self-naturalise creating a habitat for a wide range of animal species. We are very fortunate to a have a wonderful group of volunteers who every Tuesday morning turn out in numbers to work on the site in order for it to remain a great local attraction for all to enjoy, so why not pop along and visit the site which is located just off Mill Lane near to station Road or, alternatively, you can gain access through St Michael’s churchyard.

Russell Road Village Green

The village green here in the centre of Madeley is the open space adjacent to the War memorial linking Russell Road with the local shopping centre. Russell Green was the first registered Town Green in Telford listed on the 4th July 2005 following local consultation. Madeley Parish Council, as it was known back then, had submitted its case for registration of Russell Green as a ‘Town Green’. This affords better protection for the land as a recreational amenity for local people to enjoy and an area where events can take place.

Madeley War Memorial

In 1922, the Madeley War memorial was unveiled by Lord Forrester and dedicated by local clergy. It was located on the junction of Church Street and Park Street, outside the Congregation Chapel. It was reputedly located on the site of a tree that had been planted to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee.

In September 1968, a proposal was put forward by Dawley Development Corporation to re-site the war memorial onto Russell Green. This was to improve sight lines for cars on Church Street. The memorial was moved from Church Street in June 1970 by Telford Development Corporation to Russell Green and was rededicated by Reverend Jelbart in the September.

In 2013, Madeley Town Council was asked to find a suitable location for a commemorative paving stone for local man, Major CAL Yate. These stones were being provided by the Government for all Victoria Cross winners to mark the centenary of the First World War. There was overwhelming local support for the paving stone to be located near to the existing war memorial in Russell Green. However, these discussions identified the need to enlarge and upgrade the paved area around the memorial which was very tarnished and uneven, before the paving stone was installed. The memorial itself would be repositioned on the square so it is more visible from the Centre. This scheme would be seen as the Town’s contribution to commemorate all local people who lost their lives in WW1.

A scheme was drawn up by Pleydell Smithyman Limited, Ironbridge and was put out for public consultation in May 2014. Planning permission for the proposal was then secured in December 2014.

In 2016, a Council High Street Fund grant of £41,971 from Telford & Wrekin Council was secured as well as local contributions from the Town Council and Madeley Partnership.

The scheme started on the 16th June 2016 and was completed in August. The work was carried out by Fitzgeralds and supervised by Telford & Wrekin Council’s Highways team.

On the 26th August 2016 there was an unveiling ceremony of the memorial stone for Major Yate by the memorial. This date marked the anniversary of the Battle of Le Cateau where Major CAL Yate earned his Victoria Cross. It was attended by a contingency from the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, which was Major Yate’s regiment, as well as representatives from Shrewsbury and Telford branches who provided a bugler and their standards.


Madeley Town Council has two allotment sites for local residents, one at West View Terrace, Madeley and one at Bridgnorth Road, Sutton Hill.

Plot rentals:

  • West View Terrace – plots are of varying shapes and sizes which means prices are individual to each plot.
  • Sutton Hill – Varying sizes & prices (concessions are available for state pension recipients).

Our allotment sites are very popular and due to the high level of enquiries there is a waiting list.

Grass Cutting Service

Madeley Town Council is pleased to provide a free grass cutting service for residents over the age of 75yrs.

This is a very popular service with the many people living independently who need help with their gardens.

There is a waiting list, however, if you would like to be considered for this service please ring us on 01952 567280.

Plastic Free Madeley, Woodside and Sutton Hill – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Madeley Town Council are committed to support the Plastic Free Community UK wide campaign by working with the local community, businesses and schools to reduce the use of single use plastic in Madeley, Woodside and Sutton Hill.  A Plastic Free Steering Group has been set up to direct and support this initiative.  The Town Council are currently working towards Plastic Free Community status through the initiative by Surfers Against Sewage (see  Surfers Against Sewage state that:


“We’re creating the Plastic Free Community network to free where we live from single-use. Together we’re tackling avoidable single-use plastic, from the beach all the way back to the brands and businesses who create it.  Wherever you live, whether you’re on shore or inland, urban or rural, high-tide or high-rise, we’re uniting communities in the fight against single-use plastics. It’s not about removing all plastic from our lives. It’s about kicking our addiction to avoidable single-use plastic, and changing the system that produces it. Join us and let’s free where we live from single-use, one plastic bottle at a time!”


Madeley Town Council are working with local businesses to promote and sign up to the national free water Refill scheme.  The Refill scheme encourages people to think about plastic packaging and their usage.  It aims to reduce demand for single-use plastic bottles, which will reduce litter, lessen landfill, and stop discarded plastic getting into our rivers, lakes and oceans.


Madeley Town Council has also resolved to support the Borough of Telford & Wrekin declaration on climate change and are members of the Borough wide and committed to remove single-use plastics from the Council’s operations and activities by 2023.

Would you like to help us to avoidable single-use plastic?  If you, as an individual or as part of a local group would like to get involved with the Madeley Town Council Plastic Free campaign, please get in touch with Cllr Helena Morgan on 07450 434876 or Madeley Town Council on 01952 567280 or email:

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