A Mayor for Madeley Town


At the Full Council meeting on 2 September 2019 Madeley Town Council agreed to adopt the style of a Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor with immediate effect.

But what does that mean?


The Chair of the Council will now be called the Mayor.

The Vice Chair of the Council will now be called the Deputy Mayor.

The Council decided against purchasing a Mayoral chain, instead the current badge of office will be updated.

The Mayor will be an ambassador for Madeley Town Council, representing the Council in the community.  For 2019/20 the Mayor is Councillor Arnold England. He is honoured to be able to serve the residents of Madeley in the role of Mayor.

Cllr Arnold England is keen to hear from groups or organisations (large or small, formal or informal) within Madeley, Sutton Hill and Woodside that would like the Mayor to visit them.  Please contact Phil Griffiths; Town Clerk (Tel:  567284 or email:  phil@madeleytowncouncil.gov.uk ) to arrange a visit or to invite the Mayor to an event.


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